Why Malta?

The beautiful Mediterranean islands are located to the south of Italy, east of Tunisia, and north of Libya. The Republic of Malta joined the EU in 2004, opening up Malta-tude of opportunities for those who enjoy the warm island weather. Malta generally offers a decent and comfortable standard of living and is one of the most affordable countries to reside in as compared to other European nations. Generally, the expenses run low on the island.

The current healthy job market reflects over Malta’s rosy economic situation. The economy of Malta is mostly industrialized and is service-based, classified as “high income” by the World Bank. The inflation rates are low and public debt is falling. Malta, since joining the EU, uses Euros as their currency which positively influences the working conditions of those residing on the island as well. 

As the island is considerably small with a population of only 500,000 welcoming people, everyone is on a first-name basis, and you will never be stranded alone, or wanting company. It’s really one rock full of love. Most Maltese are friendly and helpful by nature and are usually more than happy to help you with whatever you need.

Are you interested in finding work in Malta? Check out some of our jobs available below and talk to our consultant!


Why Poland?

Geographical and cultural crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe, Poland is a member of the European Union – You can travel hassle-free between the countries of the Schengen Area without internal land and sea border controls, from Portugal to Poland and from Greece to Finland. More and more foreign investment from Western Europe is to be shifted to Poland, as well as from the US and Asia.

Poland’s education market has been the most dynamically developing one in Europe during the last twelve years. Comparing to many other countries in Europe, Poland is cheap. You can easily eat a nice traditional meal with a pint of beer with less than $10 at Polish restaurant today.

After business hours, Poland offers many tourist and sporting opportunities. The diversity of landscape and natural wealth, together with the wide range of recreation forms ranging from sea sports through lake sailing, skiing and mountain climbing attract tourists from all over the world.

Are you interested in finding work in Poland? Check out some of our jobs available below and talk to our consultant!


It is the 10th largest economy in the world. Canada is well known for its positive approach to multiculturalism, where people from all cultures live in harmony, maintaining their cultural heritage and religious practices.

Canada is one of the most inclusive countries in the world. The country has strong support for the LGBTQ community. In 2005, Canada became the 4th nation in the world to legalize same-sex marriage and the first outside of Europe. Canada spends more on education per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world and has been named the most educated country in the world.

Canada regularly ranks among the top 10 safest nations in the world on various polls and indexes. According to the Global Peace Index of 2018, Canada was ranked the 6th most peaceful nation in the world.

Are you interested in finding work in Canada? Check out some of our jobs available below and talk to our consultant!



Germany is an ideal place to work in, with a variety of job opportunities. It shares nine different borders with France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland!

Today more than 9 millions of foreigners live in Germany – it is the second most popular destination in the world after the United States, people with different nationalities, religions, education, professions made Germany the cultural mosaic. There is a comprehensive welfare system in place in case you cannot take care of yourself, a state will do it. In Germany, those who do not work can claim support after registering as unemployed.

You can be secure about your future because pension is above 1.000,00 EUR (4.350,00 AED)!

When it comes to free education, even universities! You don’t need to speak German, there are multiple opportunities to study in English with a growing selection of English-language programs for international students.”

Are you interested in finding work in Germany? Check out some of our jobs available below and talk to our consultant!


The Czech Republic is located smack-dab in the heart of Europe – and that’s Central Europe, not Eastern. Prague is located on the west, making it an ideal European base for those who love to travel, be it by plane, train, or automobile.

The Czech Republic is routinely ranked among the best places to live in Quality of Life indexes and similar surveys, which seem to come out every month to reiterate what its citizens already know: Czech life is good.

Affordable living is perhaps one of the most important considerations you’ll have as an expat, and that’s the cost of living. Compared with most countries in Europe, the Czech Republic is below average when it comes to the expenses of everyday goods and services.

The Czech Republic has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe and is renowned for being one of the safest.

When it comes to free education, even universities! There are multiple opportunities to study in English with a growing selection of English-language programs for international students.

Are you interested in finding work in Czech? Check out some of our jobs available below and talk to our consultant!

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